Ocie Elliott w/ Davers & Fintan at Upstairs Cabaret

Upstairs Cabaret 15 Bastion Square, Victoria, BC, Canada

The [email protected] presents Ocie Elliott's Album Release Party with Davers (of Current Swell) and Fintan live at Upstairs Cabaret Sunday February 10, 2019. Tickets $15 advance/$20 at the door - available at Lyle's Place and TicketRocket.co Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/2000887193365848/ Ocie Elliott: https://www.ocieelliott.com Davers: https://www.facebook.com/daversmusic Fintan: http://www.fintanmusic.com

$15 advance/$20 at the door

Ed The Sock at Upstairs Cabaret

Upstairs Cabaret 15 Bastion Square, Victoria, BC, Canada

The Diamond Mind Agency and Where It's At Entertainment present former Much Music personality Ed The Sock plus guests live at Upstairs Cabaret Wednesday November 28, 2018. Tickets $20 early bird/$25 regular/$50 VIP - available at showpass.com Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/2112486365470561/ Ed The Sock: https://www.facebook.com/edthesock.funetworktv

$20 early bird/$25 regular/$50 VIP

Gutter Demons w/ Bad Parts & Whiskey and Fire at Upstairs Cabaret

Upstairs Cabaret 15 Bastion Square, Victoria, BC, Canada

737 Productions presents Gutter Demons with Pad Parts and Whiskey and Fire live at Upstairs Cabaret Friday November 23, 2018. Tickets $15 - available at CAVITY Curiosity Shop, Supreme Echo Music Boutique and universe.com Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/461104441077210/ Gutter Demons: https://www.facebook.com/thegutterdemons Whiskey and Fire: https://www.facebook.com/Whiskey-And-Fire-177309682915318/


The Beatnuts w/ Fortunato at Upstairs Cabaret

Upstairs Cabaret 15 Bastion Square, Victoria, BC, Canada

Where It's At Entertainment presents The Beatnuts with Fortunato plust guests live at Upstairs Cabaret Wednesday November 21, 2018. Tickets $25 - available at showpass.com Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/318580885393338/ The Beatnuts: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialTheBeatnuts Fortunato: https://www.facebook.com/iamfortunato


TRUTH w/ KHIVA, ColtCuts & Outsider at Upstairs Cabaret

Upstairs Cabaret 15 Bastion Square, Victoria, BC, Canada

Digital Motion presents TRUTH with KHIVA, ColtCuts and Outsider live at Upstairs Cabaret Sunday November 11, 2018. Tickets $25 - available at digitalmotionevents.ca Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/1080389102167750/ TRUTH: http://www.facebook.com/truthnz KHIVA: http://www.facebook.com/khivamusic ColtCuts: https://www.facebook.com/ColtCuts Outsider: https://www.facebook.com/outsiderjon


Gord Bamford w/ Jojo Mason at Upstairs Cabaret

Upstairs Cabaret 15 Bastion Square, Victoria, BC, Canada

Surge presents Gord Bamford with Jojo Mason live at Upstairs Cabaret Thursday November 1, 2018. Tickets $35 regular/$70 meet and greet - available at Eventbrite.ca Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/448196375676022/ Gord Bamford: https://www.facebook.com/GordBamford1 Jojo Mason: https://www.facebook.com/jojomasonmusic

$35 regular/$70 meet and greet

Trinidad James w/ DJ Sprint Mobile Kiosk

Upstairs Cabaret 15 Bastion Square, Victoria, BC, Canada

Surge presents Trinidad James with DJ Sprint Mobile Kiosk live at Upstairs Cabaret Thursday September 27, 2018. Tickets $18-$20 - available at Eventbrite.ca Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/730812853939709/ Trinidad James: https://www.facebook.com/trinidadjames DJ Sprint Mobile Kiosk: https://www.facebook.com/DJSprintMobileKiosk

$18 - $20

Weak Patrol w/ This Way North & Lost Octave at Upstairs Cabaret

Upstairs Cabaret 15 Bastion Square, Victoria, BC, Canada

Weak Patrol perform with This Way North and Lost Octave live at Upstairs Cabaret Saturday August 18, 2018. Tickets $10 advance/$15 at the door - available at Lyle's Place, the Spiral Cafe and Eventbrite.ca Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/423567104829660/ Weak Patrol: https://www.facebook.com/weakpatrol This Way North: https://www.facebook.com/thiswaynorthmusic Lost Octave: https://www.facebook.com/lostoctavemusic

$10 advance/$15 at the door

Snak The Ripper w/ D-Rec & Known at Upstairs Cabaret

Upstairs Cabaret 15 Bastion Square, Victoria, BC, Canada

Where It's At Entertainment presents Snak The Ripper with D-Rec and Known live at Upstairs Cabaret Sunday August 26, 2018. Tickets $30 advance - available at Lyle's Place and showpass.com Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/271712163586703/ Snak The Ripper: https://www.snaktheripper.com


Victoria Ska & Reggae Fest 2018: Sweetleaf w/ Illvis Freshly (Live) & Lady AK at Lucky Bar

Upstairs Cabaret 15 Bastion Square, Victoria, BC, Canada

The Victoria BC Ska and Reggae Society presents Sweetleaf with Illvis Freshly (live) and Lady AK for the 2018 Victoria Ska & Reggae Fest live at Upstairs Cabaret Thursday June 21, 2018. Tickets $14.50 early bird/$16.50 advance - available at Lyle's Place, Tourism Victoria Information Centre, Jupiter, and TicketWeb.ca Full Fest Pass - $149.50 Jupiter […]

$14.50 early bird/$16.50 advance

RITTZ at Upstairs Cabaret

Upstairs Cabaret 15 Bastion Square, Victoria, BC, Canada

Where It's At Entertainment presents RITTZ plus guests live at Upstairs Cabaret Sunday June 3, 2018. Tickets $25 - available at showpass.com Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/2035103653444584/ RITTZ: https://www.facebook.com/RittzMusic


Pretty Good Not Bad 2018: Xiu Xiu w/ Joanne Pollock, Antwood, & Elizabeth Charters at Upstairs Cabaret

Upstairs Cabaret 15 Bastion Square, Victoria, BC, Canada

Xiu Xiu perform with Joanne Pollock, Antwood, and Elizabeth Charters for Pretty Good Not Bad 2018 live at Upstairs Cabaret Saturday May 19, 2018. Tickets $20 advance/$25 at the door - available at ticketrocket.co Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/199718127293326/ Pretty Good Not Bad: http://www.prettygoodbad.ca Xiu Xiu: http://www.xiuxiu.org Joanne Pollock: https://www.facebook.com/joannepollockmusic Antwood: https://www.facebook.com/Antwoodexe

$20 advance/$25 at the door

