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Tag: Jason Lowe

Video: Jason Lowe & Adam Dobres at the Victoria House Concert...

Jason Lowe and Adam Dobres perform live at the Victoria House Concert B Saturday February 1, 2014. Darren Ho Live Concert Videos was there...

Concert: Jason Lowe & Adam Dobres at the Victoria House Concert...

Jason Lowe and Adam Dobres perform live at the Victoria House Concert B Saturday February 1, 2014. Tickets $15 - available via Paypal (payment details...

Jason Lowe & Adam Dobres at the Victoria House Concert B

Jason Lowe and Adam Dobres perform live at the Victoria House Concert B Saturday February 1, 2014. Tickets $15 - available via Paypal (payment details...

Video: Jason Lowe at Rifflandia 2013 (Darren Ho Live Concert Videos)

Jason Lowe performed live in concert at Victoria Event Centre for the 2013 Rifflandia Music Festival Friday September 13, 2013. Darren Ho Live Concert...

Jason Lowe at the Victoria House Concert B

Jason Lowe performs live at the Victoria House Concert B Saturday September 28, 2013. Tickets $15 - available online via Paypal (see Facebook Group...

Video: Jason Lowe at Market Square’s Courtyard Sessions (July 20, 2013)

Jason Lowe performed live in concert in Market Square Saturday July 20, 2013 for Market Square's Courtyard Sessions presented by Atomique Productions, Rifflandia and...

Photos: Tyson Motsenbocker and Jason Lowe at Market Square (July 20,...

Atomique Productions, Rifflandia and the Downtown Victoria Business Association presented the third installment of the 2013 Courtyard Sessions featuring Tyson Motsenbocker and Jason Lowe...

Concert: Man & Minx w/ Jason Lowe and Caesha McCollum at...

Man & Minx (Felicia Harding & Jaime Hall) perform live with Jason Lowe and Caesha live at the Victoria House Concert B Wednesday July...

Man & Minx w/ Jason Lowe and Caesha McCollumat Victoria House...

Man & Minx (Felicia Harding & Jamie Hall) perform live with Jason Lowe and Caesha live at the Victoria House Concert B Wednesday July...

Concert: 2013 Market Square Courtyard Sessions (July 6 – August 17,...

Atomique Productions and Rifflandia presents the 2013 Courtyard Sessions in Market Square Saturday afternoons from July 6 to August 17, 2013 (except August 10)....

Concert: Rifflandia Festival 2013 Lineup Released (September 12 – 15, 2013)

Atomique Productions presents Rifflandia Festival 2013 at Royal Athletic Park and various venues in Victoria Thursday September 12 - Sunday September 15, 2013. The...

Concert: Jason Lowe, The Carlines & Dogwood Line at Discovery Coffee...

Jason Lowe, The Carlines and Dogwood Line perform live for After The Grind at Discovery Coffee (664 Discovery Street) Friday July 12, 2013. Tickets $10...

