Left Coast Jazz Fest
Left Coast Jazz Fest 2019: The New Cool at Copper Owl
Copper Owl 1900 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC, CanadaThe Left Coast Jazz Fest presents The New Cool live at Copper Owl Thursday June 27, 2019 Tickets $15 - available at eventbrite.ca Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/2161470700585041/ Band has no internet presence. They are a jazz fusion band: Steve Duben (Electric Bass) Cliff Maddix (Guitar) Neil Taylor (Guitar) Jon Miller (drums)
Left Coast Jazz Fest 2019: Monik Nordine Trio at Copper Owl
Copper Owl 1900 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC, CanadaThe Left Coast Jazz Fest presents The Monik Nordine Trio live at Copper Owl Friday June 28, 2019 Tickets $15 - available at Eventbrite.ca Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/2104920299621762/ Monk Nordine: https://www.moniknordine.ca
Left Coast Jazz Fest 2019: Jon Miller Quartet at Copper Owl
Copper Owl 1900 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC, CanadaThe Left Coast Jazz Fest presents The Jon Miller Quartet live at Copper Owl Saturday June 29, 2019 Tickets $15 - available at Eventbrite.ca Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/839575376410680/ Jon Miller Quartet: https://jonmillerdrums.weebly.com
Left Coast Jazz Fest 2019: Jam Session with Astrid Lyre & Sherry Clayton at Copper Owl
Copper Owl 1900 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC, CanadaThe Left Coast Jazz Fest presents a jam session with Astrid Lyre and Sherry Clayton live at Copper Owl Sunday June 30, 2019 Tickets $12 - available at Eventbrite.ca Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/425860268208487/ Astrid Lyre: https://www.facebook.com/astridguitar Sherry Clayton: https://www.facebook.com/Sherry-Clayton-61534951084/