Dead Soft w/ Sure, Collagen & Springfield at Oaklands Community Centre
Dead Soft perform with Sure, Collagen and Springfield live at Oaklands Community Centre Saturday January 28, 2017. The concert is a fundraiser for Girls...
Absolut w/ Paranoid, Collagen & Legit Heat at Logan’s Pub
Absolut perform with Parnoid, Collagen and Legit Heat live at Tuesday June 7, 2016.
Admission $10 at the door.
Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/1601957906797790/
Absolut: https://absolutnoise.bandcamp.com
Collagen: https://collagenpunk.bandcamp.com
Legit Heat:...
Fountain w/ Pinner, COLLAGEN & Greenhouse at Logan’s Pub
Fountain perform their 'Fountain Tape 2' Release show with Pinner, Collagen and Greenhouse live at Thursday June 18, 2015.
Admission $8 at the door.