Whitebird Events
Latest Past Concerts
Lenzman w/ Outsider & Lasu at Distrikt Nightclub
Distrikt 919 Douglas Street, VictoriaWhitebird Events presents Lenzman with Outsider and Lasu live at Distrikt Sunday February 19, 2017. Tickets $12 - available at TicketFly.com Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/247748105654960/ Lenzman: https://www.facebook.com/thelenzman Outsider: https://www.facebook.com/outsiderjon Lasu: https://www.soundcloud.com/iamlasu
Mark Farina w/ Soloman Potashnick & Primitive at Distrikt Nightclub
Distrikt 919 Douglas Street, VictoriaWhitebird Events presents Mark Farina with Soloman Potashnick and Primitive live at Distrikt Sunday February 8, 2015. Tickets $25 (first 100 tickets $20) - available at Lyle's Place, The Strathcona Hotel and TicketZone.com Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/379670835530266/ Mark Farina: http://www.djmarkfarina.net Soloman Potashnick: https://www.soundcloud.com/solomon-potashnick Primitive: https://www.soundcloud.com/primitive
Alix Perez w/ Tedder and Sinesthetix at Hush Nightclub
Hush Nightclub 1325 Government Street, VictoriaWhitebird Events presents ALIX PEREZ with Tedder, Sinesthetix, and live at Hush Nightclub Friday April 4, 2014. Admission $15 at the door. Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/604075879684656/ Alix Perez: http://www.alixperez.com Tedder: http://soundcloud.com/djtedder Sinesthetix: http://soundcloud.com/sinesthetix