West My Friend, Quiet Stars and Quasars & Jaron Chidiac at Solstice Cafe

Solstice Cafe 529 Pandora Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada

West My Friend, Quiet Stars and Quasars, and Jaron Chidiac perform live at Solstice Cafe Saturday November 23, 2013. Admission $15 waged/$10 unwaged at the door Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/614286825279814/ West My Friend: http://www.westmyfriend.com Quiet Stars and Quasars: https://www.facebook.com/quietstarsandquasars Jaron Chidiac: https://www.facebook.com/JaronChidiac

$15 waged/$10 unwaged

Danton Jay, Kristia Di Gregorio & West My Friend at St. Ann’s Auditorium

St. Ann's Auditorium 835 Humboldt Street, Victoria , BC, Canada

Creatively United for the Planet presents Artists for Sustainability and Community Connections featuring Danton Jay, Kristia Di Gregorio and West My Friend live at St. Ann's Auditorium Saturday January 11 2014. Tickets $20 - available online at eventbrite.ca Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/1388626874718439/ Concert info: http://creativelyunitedfortheplanet.org/benefit-concert/ Danton Jay: http://www.dantonjay.com Kristia Di Gregorio: http://www.kristia.ca West My Friend: http://www.westmyfriend.com


West My Friend, Josh Layne & Towers and Trees for GVPL Local MusicFest at The Belfry Theatre

Belfry Theatre 1291 Gladstone Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada

The Greater Victoria Public Library presents West My Friend with Josh Layne and Towers and Trees live at The Belfry Theatre for GVPL Local MusicFest Monday March 3, 2014. Admission is free. Advanced registration is required at events.gvpl.ca West My Friend: http://www.westmyfriend.com Josh Layne: http://www.joshlayne.com Towers and Trees: http://www.towersandtreesmusic.com


West My Friend w/ Mike Edel at Fairfield United Church

Fairfield United Church 1303 Fairfield Road, Victoria, BC, Canada

West My Friend perform their CD Release Show for their new album 'When The Ink Dries' with Mike Edel live at Fairfield United Church Thursday March 6, 2014. Tickets: unwaged- $10 advance/$12 at the door waged- $15 advance/$17 at the door available at Larsen Music and Ditch Records Concert Info: westmyfriend.com/apps/calendar/ West My Friend: http://www.westyfriend.com […]

$10 - $17

