Poor Baby w/ Roy’s Bag at Wheelies Motorcycles

Wheelies Motorcycles 2620 Rock Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada

Poor Baby perform with Roy's Bag live at Wheelies Motorcycles Friday October 20, 2017. Admission $10 at the door. Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/339505283127250/ Poor Baby: https://www.facebook.com/pooorbaby Roy's Bag: https://www.facebook.com/roysbagband


Psych & Soul Weekend: Moths & Locusts, Scars & Scarves, Poor Baby, & Cartoon Lizard at First Metropolitan United Church

First Metropolitan United Church 932 Balmoral Road, Victoria, BC, Canada

Vinyl Envy, Creative BC, The Province of British Columbia and WildFire Organic Bakery and Cafe present Moths & Locusts, Scars & Scarves, Poor Baby, and Cartoon Lizard for the inaugural Psych & Soul Weekend live at First Metropolitan United Church Friday June 8, 2018. Saturday June 9 also features The Leg-Up Program, Carter & The […]

$5 - $40

