Oaklands Community Centre
Galactic Pegasus w/ Preceptors, Abaddon, Peacemaker & Reality at Risk at Oaklands Community Centre
Oaklands Community Centre 2827 Belmont Avenue, Victoria, BC, CanadaVan Isle Promotions presents Galactic Pegasus with Preceptors, Abaddon, Peacemaker and Reality at Risk live at Oaklands Community Centre Sunday July 28, 2013. Tickets $10 presale/$15 at the door. Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/201944563295712/ Preceptors: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Preceptors/210306175669660 Galactic Pegasus: https://www.facebook.com/galacticpegasus Abaddon: https://www.facebook.com/AbaddonBC Reality at Risk: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Reality-At-Risk/200849859959247
Trace The Sky, Restless & Reality at Risk at Oaklands Community Centre
Oaklands Community Centre 2827 Belmont Avenue, Victoria, BC, CanadaTrace The Sky, Restless, and Reality At Risk perform live at Oaklands Community Centre for the "First (Bi?)annual Youth-Fest' Saturday September 21, 2013. Tickets $5 advance (from the bands)/$10 at the door Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/568180703228420/ Trace The Sky: https://www.facebook.com/tracetheskymusic Restless: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Restless/238493919561372 Reality At Risk: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Reality-At-Risk/200849859959247
Atrous Leviathan w/ Scimitar, Cryptic Enslavement, and Torrefy at Oaklands Community Centre
Oaklands Community Centre 2827 Belmont Avenue, Victoria, BC, CanadaVan Isle Promotions and CAVITY Curiosity Shop present Atrous Leviathan CD Release Show with Scimitar, Cryptic Enslavement, and Torrefy live at Oaklands Community Centre Saturday April 5, 2014. Admission $15 at the door. Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/249768561868773/ Atrous Leviathan: https://www.facebook.com/AtrousLeviathan Scimitar: https://www.facebook.com/scimitarofficial Cryptic Enslavement: https://www.facebook.com/crypticenslavement Torrefy: https://www.facebook.com/Torrefy
On Call Heroes w/ Sharks! On Fire!, Trace The Sky, Joel Cossette & Old Towns at Oaklands Community Centre
Oaklands Community Centre 2827 Belmont Avenue, Victoria, BC, CanadaVan Isle Promotions presents On Call Heroes Album Release Show with Sharks! On Fire!, Trace The Sky, Joel Cossette, and Old Towns live at Oaklands Community Centre Saturday April 19, 2014. Admission $15 at the door. Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/1406731529584485/ Trace The Sky: https://www.facebook.com/tracetheskymusic Sharks! on Fire!: https://www.facebook.com/sharksonfire Joel Cossette: https://www.facebook.com/joelcossettemusic Old Towns: https://www.facebook.com/OldTowns
Fall City Fall w/ Villains, Laces Out, Gutterbird & Costin Hall at Oaklands Community Centre
Oaklands Community Centre 2827 Belmont Avenue, Victoria, BC, CanadaVan Isle Promotions presents Fall City Fall with Villains, Laces Out, Gutterbird & Costin Hall live at Oaklands Community Centre Friday October 24, 2014. Tickets $10 advance (or with a costume)/$15 at the door Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/573085722796020/ Fall City Fall: https://www.facebook.com/fallcityfall Villains: https://www.facebook.com/villainsvictoria Laces Out: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Laces-Out/634913243250118 Gutterbird: https://www.facebook.com/gutterbird250 Costin Hall: https://www.facebook.com/costinhallmusic
Bucan Bucan & The Victoria Accordion Club at Oaklands Community Centre
Bucan Bucan and The Victoria Accordion Club perform live for 'Oktoberfest at Oaklands' at Oaklands Community Centre Saturday October 1, 2016. Tickets $20 advance/$25 at the door - available by phone (250-370-9101), at Oaklands Community Centre and eventbrite.ca Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/1792412541028828/ Bucan Bucan: https://www.facebook.com/bucanbucan Victoria Accordion Club: http://victoriaaccordionclub.com
The Blackwood Two w/ Zoubi Arros, Westerly Sisters & Little Crow at Oaklands Community Centre
Oaklands Community Centre 2827 Belmont Avenue, Victoria, BC, CanadaThe Oaklands Community Association presents The Blackwood Two with Zoubi Arros, Westerly Sisters and Little Crow live at the Oaklands Community Centre for the Oaklands West Coast Community Market Saturday November 26, 2016. Admission $3 at the door. Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/307212729659277/ The Blackwood Two: https://www.facebook.com/theblackwoodtwo Zoubi Arros: https://www.facebook.com/zoubiandthesea Westerly Sister: http://www.westerlysisters.com Little Crow: https://www.facebook.com/Little-Crow-88010110517
Dead Soft w/ Sure, Collagen & Springfield at Oaklands Community Centre
Oaklands Community Centre 2827 Belmont Avenue, Victoria, BC, CanadaDead Soft perform with Sure, Collagen and Springfield live at Oaklands Community Centre Saturday January 28, 2017. The concert is a fundraiser for Girls Rock Camp. Admission $8 suggested donation at the door. Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/160760854406544/ Dead Soft: https://www.facebook.com/deadsofties Sure: http://www.sure.party Collagen: https://collagenpunk.bandcamp.com