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Lorah The Band
Latest Past Concerts
Taylor Swift Tribute feat. Lorah The Band at The Duke Saloon
The Duke Saloon 502 Discovery Street, VictoriaLorah The Band perform for a Taylor Swift Tribute live at The Duke Saloon Sunday November 11, 2018. Tickets $15 - available at Eventbrite.ca Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/781677758836275/ Lorah The Band: https://www.facebook.com/lorahtheband
Sexweather, Lorah The Band, The Leg-Up Program & Malahat at The McPherson Playhouse
McPherson Playhouse 3 Centennial Square, VictoriaSexweather, Lorah The Band, The Leg-Up Program and Malahat perform for Blender at The Mac live at The McPherson Playhouse Friday May 25, 2018. Tickets $10 - available at the Royal McPherson box office and rmts.bc.ca Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/153181258695878/ Sexweather: https://www.facebook.com/sexweather2012 Lorah The Band: https://www.facebook.com/lorahtheband The Leg-Up Program: https://www.facebook.com/TheLegUpProgram Malahat: https://www.facebook.com/MalahatBand