Taal Mala w/ Kir Mokum & Outsider b2b Rhythmicon at Hush Nightclub

Hush Nightclub 1325 Government Street, Victoria, BC, Canada

Theory presents Taal Mala with Kir Mokum and Outsider b2b Rhythmicon at Hush Nightclub Friday September 6, 2013. Admission $9 before 11pm/$11 after 11pm at the door. Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/1401764226711456/ Taal Mala: http://www.taalmala.org Kir Mokum: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kir-Mokum/19909669452 Outsider: https://www.facebook.com/outsider.inside.official Rhythmicon: https://www.facebook.com/Rhythmicon

$9 before 11pm/$11 after 11pm

Kir Mokum w/ Sinesthetix & Smasha at Copper Owl

Copper Owl 1900 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC, Canada

Future Soul presents Kir Mokum with Sinesthetix and Smasha live at Copper Owl Friday March 10, 2017. Admission $8 before 11pm a the door. Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/1356151304428768/ Kir Mokum: https://www.soundcloud.com/kir_mokum Sinesthetix: https://www.facebook.com/akelabass Smasha: https://www.soundcloud.com/smasha9

$8 before 11pm

