Electric Condor
Latest Past Concerts
Black Valley Gospel w/ Electric Condor at Vinyl Envy
Vinyl Envy 1717 Quadra Street, VictoriaBlack Valley Gospel perform with Electric Condor live at Vinyl Envy Friday November 18, 2016. Admission $10 at the door. Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/1606849316008054/ Black Valley Gospel: https://www.facebook.com/BlackValleyGospel Electric Condor: https://www.facebook.com/electriccondor
War Baby w/ Electric Condor & Black Valley Gospel at Logan’s Pub
Logan's Pub 1821 Cook Street, VictoriaWar Baby perform with Electric Condor & Black Valley Gospel live at Logan's Pub Saturday August 27, 2016. Tickets $10 advance/$12 at the door - available at Cavity Curiosity Shop Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/1044674078952570/ War Baby: http://www.warbabymusic.com Electric Condor: https://www.facebook.com/electriccondor/ Black Valley Gospel: https://www.facebook.com/BlackValleyGospel/
Black Valley Gospel w/ Electric Condor, Line Traps, The Tower of Dudes & Nature of at Copper Owl
Copper Owl 1900 Douglas Street, VictoriaBlack Valley Gospel perform with Electric Condor, Line Traps, The Tower of Dudes and Nature of live at Copper Owl Friday May 29, 2015. Admission $10 at the door. Facebook Event: facebook.com/events/1409420246046107/ Black Valley Gospel: https://www.facebook.com/BlackValleyGospel Line Traps: https://www.facebook.com/linetrapsvic The Tower of Dudes: https://www.facebook.com/thetowerofdudes Nature of: https://natureof.bandcamp.com