Victoria musician Lucas Hayes has launched a project curating weekly compilation albums of local bands to keep music alive while the world deals with the COVID-19 crisis.

The album project is called ‘Quarantine Rock.’ Hayes says the mission is to shed light on Victoria-based bands. Started in late March, Hayes initially accepted submissions rock and rock-inspired music of almost all types. From someone’s phone recording to music more produced.

“The original Volumes encouraged rigged ‘DIY’ recordings,” said Hayes. “But as the project is growing in popularity, we are finding it more beneficial for the project, and therefore for local artists, if we exclude the very low quality takes.”

So far, three volumes have been released. The latest, ‘Quarantine Rock: Vol. 3’, features lo-fi punk, indie and alternative rock.

The albums are available for digital download and streaming for free on Bandcamp.

Musicians can get involved by joining the project’s Facebook Group or by submitting music to quarantinerocktogether at gmail dot com